How My Flight Saved My Life

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How Missing My Flight Saved My Life
Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. It nearly perfect late summer morning across the country. Not a cloud in the sky could be spotted from miles away. On the Today Show that very morning a reporter said these words at approximately at 8:20 am, the words, “It’s a very quiet day across the country, a little too quiet. These words would change in a heartbeat. About 20 minutes later news broke across the country that the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City had was engulfed into smoke. A loud explosion was heard across Manhattan. Very few people knew what exactly happened. Thousands of people looked up at the building thinking that it was a fire or some kind of , but people had realized just 17 minutes later the South Tower was struck by a plane. Right as the plane hit people knew that this was an act of terrorism. This is a story about one guy who nearly became one of the victims in this tragedy. The story begins in Boston, Massachusetts a good 3 and a half hours or 215 miles from Manhattan, Adam McRoberts, a 5 foot 9 inch man with brown hair and a thick, scruffy beard and black Ray-Ban glasses rushed out his condo right in the middle of downtown Boston and tried to hail a cab. …show more content…

The time was 7:25, his flight scheduled for departure at 7:45. He knew that he was too late. He went up to the one of the 5 American Airlines check-in desks and waited another agonizing 10 minutes to see what he could do. After talking to the agent another 20 minutes, Adam would end up getting rebooked on a flight another flight to Los Angeles later in the day. Right at this point, Flight 11 scheduled to LA had departed and had begun to be hijacked. The flight had lost contact with air traffic control. Adam making his way to the gate where his next flight to LA would depart, he was just watching the morning news on the television hanging up on the wall, when he got a

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