Description of My First Flight

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My internal organs thumped against my chest as I dragged my bag along the carpet floor and into the corridor. As I walked into the long hall, I glanced up and noticed the sign telling me I could get on. My entire body could barely hold itself together with the anticipation of the monumental, dream-come-true event about to take place. I said to myself, "I'll soon be in the air." I slowed my pace to further enjoy what was happening. Swarms of people walked around me as I treasured knowing that one of my lifetime goals was now inevitably going to occur. The excitement and adrenaline running through my veins could have killed a horse. Not being able to stand such self-torture, I hurried my pace to what was almost a jog, until I had caught up with the unfortunately boring group that I was, as I felt, universally bound to. I came to a bend in the tunnel, where I saw through the glass window, that which before entering, gave no hint of its existence. "I'll soon be in the air." Just after this quick bend, the crew became visible helping people on. Just before I entered the transportation unit, I looked down at the gap left between the door and I. The metal around the entry door was rusted and worn, which gave me an eerie feeling. Reluctantly, I stepped aboard and felt uneasy as I saw those responsible for taking us to our destination. I would soon know for sure, how I felt about my now plausible career. The stewardess then directed me towards the back, away from the cockpit. I looked at my ticket and at what seat I'd be sitting in. I had to duck in and around people putting their luggage into the upper compartments and look for my number on the back of my seat that matched my ticket stamp. As I walked past one of the windows, I glanced out and saw the right wing. It somehow gave me reassurance that I'd be fine and I'd soon be having the time of my life. "I'll soon be in the air." Joe, a senior that had decided to go on the trip with us, called from in front of me and said that he had found both of our seats. I followed the sound of his voice through all of the people and luggage, until I was in the back of the plane.

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