How Music Affects The Brain

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Music is a language that has allowed people to connect in an emotional way. There are several positive effects from listening to music when it comes to the human mind and body. Listening to different types of music allows the mind to react in different ways, and there is no wrong way to enjoy songs of any genre. It is important to understand that there are certain types of music that helps more than others, but there are no negative outcomes from listening to any type of music. Music is important to the human brain and people should become more aware of what happens to the mind when it comes into contact with music. There have been several studies done on how the brain is affected by music, and one that has been repeated on several occasions …show more content…

This becomes noticeable while performing physical activities especially. During a workout, listening to music is known to help the body ignore signs of fatigue as it is listening to the music rather than the bodies stress signals. What is even more interesting though, is the fact that the beat of the music changes the overall feel of the workout. Depending on the tempo of a song, the vibrations from the beat will reflect on the body and the pulse will respond to the speed of the song, which in turn will make the brain react to the speed and match its tempo with each movement (Douglas). Music affects the workout significantly as the brain is wired in such a way that it will quicken or soften the pace depending on the song. Each and every song has a different feel, even if they have the same tempo. A deeper explanation of this in musical terms is that songs with a more hastened tempo that activate quick paces have what is known as a “downbeat” which takes place during the first and third beats out of four beats, while more relaxing songs will have an upbeat, which takes place on the second and fourth beats out of four beats (Douglas). The mind automatically adjusts to match the pace of a song that is heard, which leads the body to make movements that a person may not even be aware of, such as a rhythm tap with a pen, ones hand or foot, or even a head bob. Music also will help to soothe the mind and body from fatigue after a workout is

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