How Is The Movie Different From The Book

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When you see a movie that is based on a book you might think that it won’t follow it at all. For many movies, this is true except for when it comes to Harry Potter. There are many similarities in the books and the movies, but because the Harry Potter fandom is so big they will always be able to tell even the smallest of differences, for example, if one of the characters was supposed to be wearing glasses people would get angry with the writers for it. There are many people who will get angry over the smallest of things, but overall Harry Potter did the best at following along with the book. There are many similarities between the book and the movies, like how almost all of the characters are the same, and they look almost exactly how you think that they would …show more content…

There are also many recurring jokes and problems like how Seamus keeps blowing things whenever he tries to do even the simplest of spells. However, the director of the movie Chris Columbus did a pretty good job keeping the movie on track with the book the entire time and almost everything was the same. While there are many things that are the same in this book, there are also quite a few differences too. For instance, when the Dursleys take Harry to the zoo, Harry makes the glass disappear, in the movies, it reappears trapping Dudley inside for the entertainment of the audience. In the book, Dudley falls inside the tank, but the glass doesn’t reappear, and the zookeeper tries to figure out where it went. Another difference is that in the book, Hagrid knows who Harry is immediatly, while in the books, Hagrid thinks that Dudley is Harry when Harry is hidden from view. Even though these are some very small

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