How Is Romeo And Juliet Responsible

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is one of the darkest and most famous plays in history. The play’s dark reputation stems from a series of misguided decisions by the main character Romeo. These choices lead to the death of many characters, including himself. Romeo's irresponsibility is demonstrated throughout William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet and has dire consequences as a result.
From the very beginning of the play Romeo is portrayed as a naive youth. This is because in the very first scene Romeo emotionally tells Benvolio how he feels about Rosaline saying “ thou canst not teach me to forget (Rosaline).”(Shakespeare Pg. 190 ) Romeo saying this is a big indicator that he doesn’t understand true love and how far a person …show more content…

Romeo is “highly emotional and given to acting on his impulses” (Romeo) which is very obvious after the fight with Tybalt. After the party Romeo is challenged to a duel by Tybalt. He rejects the duel and as a result Mercutio fights Tybalt after Tybalt calls Romeo a coward. Romeo could have prevented the fight, but instead when the fight happens he gets in Mercutio’s way recklessly. This results in Mercutio dying and causes Romeo to fly into a rage and kill Tybalt. When he kills Tybalt he has to face the ramifications of his actions. Romeo believes that since he killed Tybalt, Juliet may no longer love him. Romeo could have been killed because of his mistake, but instead he was banished from Verona. This is a turning point because if he had been more reasonable and not taken Tybalt’s life, his plan with Juliet that ended tragically in the play because of his banishment might have worked. If Romeo had been more responsible and considered consequences before he acted, him and Juliet would have lived a happier life. Because of his recklessness he also ends up killing County Paris and inadvertently causes his mother’s

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