How Is Lady Macbeth Weak

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Women are seen as weak or powerless compared to men. Macbeth shows these gender roles but also shows how the women hold more power then men think. Lady Macbeth holds all of the power to Macbeth’s decisions early on in the play and manipulates him constantly. The witches hold power over Macbeth because when they tell him about his future or warn him, they can get him to do things that he never thought about doing in the first place. Even Lady Macduff is portrayed as more of a man then her own husband, Macduff. The gender roles have been swapped in Macbeth and the woman exhibit the strength that these woman believe a man should have. Lady Macbeth is a prime example of the flipped gender roles as she has more ambition then Macbeth does. Macbeth is weak and does not want to kill Duncan but Lady Macbeth threatens him and his manhood. This results in Macbeth going along with the plan to kill Duncan. The roles of men having to be strong and brave result in Macbeth being used by Lady Macbeth and since she does not have these expectations over herself, she is not …show more content…

They told him the future but they never told him how he would achieve this goal. Doing this, Macbeth would take drastic measures to come about reaching them. They hold so much power over Macbeth's decisions because without them, he would not have been when they told Macbeth the apparitions, they made it so hard for Macbeth to understand, that he thought he was safe from harm. His change in attitude after they say this to him makes him cocky and he does not act cautiously. The witches tell Macbeth that “none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth”(IV.i.80-81). when the witches say this to him, he thinks that the witches mean that no one can kill him. They really are talking about someone who was born of a C-Section, can kill Macbeth because they were not birthed from their mother and cut out from her

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