How Is Corruption Shown In The Great Gatsby

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How Does Literature Explore the Idea of Corruption and Delusion? Literature is much more than just words on paper, as it can explain thoughts and purpose beyond what the eye can see. It explores all different kinds of ideas. From love and identity to corruption and delusion, literature opens a new perspective on real struggles. Often, the reality of our desires falls short of our expectations, revealing the complex nature of fulfilment and the illusion of idealization, just like the ideas presented in The Great Gatsby, Nothing Gold Can Stay, and At An Inn. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a novel that explores the twisted nature of love and the American Dream, gone corrupt. These ideas are explored through most characters in the novel, …show more content…

This is where the idea of corruption and delusion is introduced in the character of Jay Gatsby. He becomes so consumed with proving himself to Daisy, he loses sight of himself. Gatsby falls in love with the idea of feeling worthy and “good enough” for Daisy, not in love with her for who she truly is. Hence his idealization of being with Daisy, and the false fulfilment he convinced himself she would be for him. He is corrupted in love, in his self, and deluded by what he believes is love, but is seeking satisfaction. Literature is not only confined to novels, but has a broad horizon of works. Poetry explores ideas and feelings, as well as any other piece of literature. Robert Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay, is a great example of how false fulfillment and illusion of idealization blinds people. Frost’s poem suggests that at the beginning of a relationship, people get so blindsided by their admiration for the other person they ignore and justify all the

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