How Does Tooth Loss Affect Children

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Although tooth loss typically is associated with the elderly, edentulism can also affects children and adults if they do not practice proper oral hygiene.2
a. Trauma Babies and young children are most susceptible to losing teeth prematurely due to trauma, because their tooth roots and gums are still developing. If parents do not take the proper — and often immediate — steps to deal with dental trauma, their children's oral health can be permanently affected. Adults, particularly those who participate in sports or suffer accidents affecting the face, also are at risk for tooth loss.Toddlers and children have the risk of two types of traumatic tooth loss: prematureloss of baby teeth and loss of permanent teeth due to injury or neglect.
b. Dental caries …show more content…

• Lack of education about tooth loss: A lack of education about the causes and consequences of tooth loss prevents people from taking the proper preventative lifestyle and oral health care measures, or from getting periodic dental maintenance or necessary restorative treatment.10
• Fear and embarrassment: Many people suffer from dental phobia, or anxiety/fear of going to the dentist, and do not seek dental treatment, even if they know they have a problem or are in pain. Others are embarrassed or ashamed to seek dental treatment because they feel they will be blamed or judged negatively for the condition of their teeth. Ignoring dental caries or other serious dental problems can prolong and aggravate the condition and eventually lead to tooth loss.11
• Finances: Some people have to postpone or forgo dental visits and treatments, including regular check-ups and cleanings, due to high dental care costs and/or lack of insurance coverage. Unfortunately, prolonging or eliminating dental care increases the chances of developing serious problems and, subsequently, greater expense for

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