How Does Sherman Alexie Influence On Superman

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We learn in this passage that author Sherman Alexie had multiple influences to his love for reading and writing, the two biggest being his father and Superman. As a boy, Alexie’s father was one of few boys from the reservation to attend a Catholic high school by choice. He valued education and knowledge and obtained the majority of said knowledge through his love for books. With the limited money the family had, his father sought out to collect as many books as possible. Seeing the stockpiles of novels throughout the house Alexie saw the passion his father had for reading, which sparked his own individual interest in reading. Paragraph 3 describes young Alexie’s early stages of reading. Being that he did not understand the majority of the words on the pages, it was hard for him to learn this way. However, he understood the use of paragraph’s as they group words and phrases of common themes together. He made an interesting connection between paragraphs and the real world, constantly using them to describe things he encountered in everyday life. In addition to this, his vision of society was heavily influenced by comic books; Superman to be …show more content…

But since he is only an Indian boy on an Indian reservation, his gift goes unnoticed by others. Then, in paragraph six, he explains that people would avoid academic arguments and discussions with him based off of his ethnicity and heritage. Alexie not only talks about himself and the discrimination he faced, but the other Indian children as well. Indian children were expected to not meet the expectations of others in the “regular world.” If Indian children succeeded, they felt hatred from others. If they played the role they were told to play, they were viewed as lesser people than those of other backgrounds. Alexie, however, refused to care about how others perceived him, regardless of the

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