How Does Shakespeare Present Women In Macbeth

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At the time of Shakespeare, women were thought of as lesser

beings. The orthodox view of females when Shakespeare wrote the play is that they

were homemakers, looked after their children, they were quiet, weak and

unintelligent. Males however were the warriors and the money earners . The men

were always expected to be the dominant partner in a relationship.macbeth is

tragedy and shortest story of Shakespeare. He says that women should be the one

who should show their emotion and are weaker, while men should be the stronger

one's emotions and are weaker, while men should be stronger, like when Lady

Macbeth reads Macbeth’s letter and knows about the prophecy.

After she reads the paper Lady Macbeth said that Macbeth cannot kill Duncan and …show more content…

She says ’’Come, you spirits that tend on

mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me, From the crown to the toe, top-full of

direst cruelty! Make thick my blood……” This shows us that she is weak and wants to

be stronger, so that she can kill Duncan, just because she is a woman.

Another part of the script that Shakespeare shows us gender roles in Macbeth is

when Duncan dies and Macduff says that, “he can't say what he saw in front of Lady

Macbeth because she is a woman. He says, O gentle lady, ‘tis not for you to hear

what I can speak! The repetition in a woman’s ear would murder as it fell.” Because she is a woman she cannot take it. In banquet when Macbeth sees Banquo’s hallucination Lady Macbeth says “O’

these flaws and start would well become a woman’s story at the winter’s fire

authorized by her grandma” she say that his hallucination is nonsense and outburst is

imaginary fear and it is unmanly. She says that it is what women do. I think it means

men she not show their fear. Similarly when Macduff went to England and Ross went to see his

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