How Does Religion Affect The Spread Of Islam?

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Religion brings people together and helps establish a law for people to go by. Ever since man started walking on earth he has looked to religion to help explain his circumstances. Islam was developed in a similar way. The world was changing; people were exploring new lands and interacting with different people. Cultures were being mixed and opinions were changing. The Byzantine Empire and the Sassind Empire was the hub of cultural diversity so of course the Arabian Peninsula would be affected because that is where these two great empires crossed. New trade routes were being made and the Arabs were once again thrown into another cultural whirlpool. In the craziness a new religion emerged, Islam, which united the Arabs and made them stronger than ever. The Arabs were a polytheistic religion that had many gods but they had one supreme god, Allah. The monotheistic religion of Islam would not have come about until Muhammad had his revelation. Muhammad was orphaned when he was younger, but he grew up to be a caravan manager that married his wealthy widow employer. It is said that during “…his middle years he began to experience visions that he believed were inspired by Allah” (Spielvogel 206). Through these visions Muhammad came to …show more content…

Muhammad did not let this stop him, though, he moved on to Medina to tell the residents there about his new belief. The people accepted and believed what Muhammad taught and he was soon “…invited to the town by a number of prominent residents…” (Spielvogel 207). Islam began to quickly catch on and it soon became a way of life for the Arabs. The people who believed Muhammad’s teaching became known as Muslim and they made Muhammad their religious, political, and military leader. The Arabian Peninsula was being transformed and soon they would impact and claim most of the land around the Mediterranean

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