How Does Lee Use Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Lee uses discrimination and injustice to tell us readers that justice should be blind when it comes to gender, race and the way you live life. In the story many people are being discriminated because of their race , gender and even age. During the book we have many examples of discrimination especially in the case with Tom Robinson we have many examples of how many people were and still discriminate African Americans. In Mayella Ewell’s case we see many examples of discrimination because she makes up a whole story that Tom Robinson rapped when it clearly wasn’t true. She made up the story because her dad saw her when she was asking a black man to kiss her, when she came back inside her dad beat her and even threaten to kill her and that's when she made up the story of Tom Robinson it was because of her reputation if Tom Robinson was white he would of never been to the trial but just because he is an African American people see him as being bad or dangerous When Atticus decides to take the case of Tom Robinson many people of the town are disappointed in him because Tom is black even his own family turn his back against him. When Francis says "If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that's his own business, like Grandma says, so it ain't your …show more content…

He is discriminated by the entire town because he is different"' Thank who?' I asked. 'Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn't know it when he put the blanket around you.' My stomach turned to water and I nearly threw up when Jem held out the blanket and crept toward me. 'He sneaked out of the house-turn 'round-sneaked up, an' went like this!'"(Lee 72) this is scout reaction to Jem when told him that Boo Radley was in their house he

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