How Does Holden Tell A Lie

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Catcher in The Rye Essay Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual”. In the book Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield’s lies become habitual throughout the book. Holden is a sixteen-year-old boy, who has been kicked out of several schools including, most recently, Pencey Prep. Holden’s younger brother, Allie, died when Holden was only thirteen and his older brother, D.B., is too busy working for Hollywood to care about Holden. Although his mother cares immensely for him, Holden saddens her by failing academically. The only motivator that Holden has to continue living is his younger sister, Phoebe, who …show more content…

He was depressed about the fact that his childhood friend, Jane Gallagher, went on a date with his roommate at Pencey, Stradlater. After their date, he got into a fight with Stradlater and it resulted in Holden getting a bloody nose and face. He stumbled into his friend Ackley’s room, who was right next door. When Ackley questioned him about his face he replied, “It’s a long story. I don’t wanna bore ya, Ackley. I’m thinking of your welfare” (53). One of the key indications that Holden is lying is when he is trying to change the subject. In this situation, Holden was reluctant to go into detail about what caused the fight, so he gave Ackley a deceptive response. Holden told Ackley that the fight was over Ackley and that he was defending him. This provoked Ackley, and he forgot about why Holden was all bloody. Holden was able to distract Ackley so that he wouldn’t need to go in detail about his fight with Stradlater. Similarly, Holden tried to keep the reason that he was kicked out of Pencey a secret. At the end of the novel, Holden goes home so that he can see his sister one last time before he leaves. Holden and Phoebe begin talking, but Phoebe suddenly becomes suspicious of the fact that Holden is home so early. She asks, “How come you're not home Wednesday?...You didn’t get kicked out or anything, did you?”(182). Holden responds with, “I told you. They let us out …show more content…

When Holden went to a bar and ordered a Scotch, for example, he “said it fast as hell” (78). Holden knew that the waiter would not provide him with an alcoholic beverage if he didn’t seem confident in ordering alcohol. Holden was depressed and wanted a drink as a way to cope. When the waiter asked Holden for his driver's license, he responded with, “Do I look like I’m under twenty-one?”(78). Holden tried to catch the waiter off guard by responding to the waiter’s question with a question of his own. Holden lied because he was desperate for a drink, but was not old enough to buy one. Similarly, Holden lied to the elevator boy at his apartment. When Holden was going to see Phoebe, he needed the elevator boy to bring him up. Holden told the elevator boy that he’s the nephew of the Dicksteins, one of Holden's neighbors. However, the elevator boy became suspicious because they weren't home, and tells Holden to wait in the lobby. Holden responded with, “But I have a bad leg. I have to hold it in a certain position. I think I’d better sit down in the chair outside their door”(174). Since Holden knew that the elevator boy was new, he claimed that there was a chair outside his neighbors’ apartment. The elevator boy had no idea what Holden was talking about and decided to let him up. Holden used the fact that the boy was new to his advantage. He could easily lie to him to achieve what he wanted. Holden tries to

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