How Does Drunk Driving Affect Society

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Every 53 minutes someone dies from a drunk driver and every 2 minutes someone is injured from drunk driving (“About Drunk Driving”). Drunk driving is a huge problem and there are multiple solutions to decrease drunk driving. Families are affected by society's choice to drink and drive, not that society knows any better. This also costs money that could be spent on other, more important things and makes the roads completely dangerous for all drivers. Through all the issues drunk driving creates; there are solutions too- addicts could get medical help and society could help by raising awareness and talking to each other. The first problem is drunk driving ruins victims and families (Thompson 18). So many people have been injured or killed in drunk driving accidents. …show more content…

Media needs to be on the issue. Drunk driving kills 15,000+ per year, yet news companies still put out less pressing news stories. If the news companies put out more pressing news stories, then employees of alcohol serving establishments would be more aware (Gerdes 21). Employers could train their front line servers on the right and wrong ways of serving customers (Campo 18). Some people don’t even know what BAC is and what it does. BAC is short for blood alcohol content. It tells us how much someone has been drinking that night. There are levels of BAC and each point has a different effect on human bodies. A .01 BAC, about half a beer, consists of divided attention, choice reaction time, and decreased visual function. .03-.06 BAC, one to two beers, would decrease eye movement control, result in little balance, slow reaction times, no information processing, and no judgment control. Last, a .07-.10 BAC, 3 beers, would do everything above no speed control (Gerdes 84). .10 BAC would be considered at illegally intoxicated, but 62.4% of alcohol-related accidents happened when someone had a .14 BAC (Haley

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