How Does Community Mental Health Service Use-A Critical Analysis

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Community Mental Health Service Use - A Critical Analysis Introduction Historically, health sector is an important social service sector in Canada and it is publicly funded. However, studies shows that the standard of utilization of health system especially community mental health services are varied in each province (Tiwari, & JianLi, 2008). There are many factors associated with the use of community mental health system among various ethnic immigrant groups. In Canada, non-European immigrants tend to under utilize the community mental health services due to various factors (Whitley, Kirmayer, & Groleau, 2006) From my experience as a community development worker in India, I encountered numerous challenges to link people those who are facing mental health issues to the health service system. This paper explains my experiences as an outreach health support worker in the context of Canadian and Indian social work; also I intend to articulate the acquisition of my new learning about Canadian social work practice. I argue that socio-cultural, economical and geographical factors are influencing the use of community mental health services (Whitley et al., 2006). An anti-oppressive social work practice can influence perception of the people about community mental health services in Canada (Larson, 2008). This research paper illustrates …show more content…

India is a multicultural traditional society and the population is predominantly rural (Khandelwal, Jhinga, Ramesh, Gupta, & Srivastava, 2004). Compare to other similar countries, India is having a strong primary health care service system. Mental health service in India is a part of general health service. Community mental health in India is a three tier service sector consists of public, private and nonprofits (Padmavati,

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