How Does Bradbury Use Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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In the dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows a futuristic world in the twenty-fourth century where people get caught up in technology. People refuse to think for themselves and allow technology to dominate their lives. To further develop his point, Bradbury illustrates the carelessness with which people use technology. He also brings out the admirable side of people when they use technology. However, along with the improvement of technology, the government establishes a censorship through strict rules and order. With the use of the fire truck that uses kerosene instead of water, the mechanical hound, seashell radio, the three-walled TV parlor, robot tellers, electric bees, and the Eye, Bradbury portrays how technology can benefit or destroy humans. Bradbury uses Mildred, Guy Montag’s wife, to illustrate how technology dominates a person’s life. Mildred refers to the three-walled TV as her family. Mildred replaces, mistreats, and ignores Montag even though he attempts to assist her. Technology makes her so blind that even the bonds of love, friendship, …show more content…

“And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind” (10). The seashell takes time away from communication and interaction between others and lets people hear what they want to hear whether the information corresponds correctly or not. “Wasn’t there an old joke about the wife who talked so much on the telephone that her desperate husband ran out to the nearest store and telephoned her to ask what was for dinner? Well, then, why didn’t he buy himself an audio-seashell broadcasting station and talk to his wife late at night, murmur, whisper, shout, scream, yell?” (42). Society learns to not know or care about events happening outside their parlor

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