How Does Anne Frank Change In Her Diary

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• Mrs. Frank Has short hair and she love to wear her hat. She don’t anybody messing with her diary she was crazy about her diary. I would think her extraordinary in her vitality, optimism, hunger for knowledge, and creativity. Anne changed in many ways over the two years she was writing and Anne probably have something really in common Anne Frank was her diary. Some of these changes can be described as “growth.” She became an astute observer of politics, and of human nature, and she became a very practiced and well-educated writer. Many of her diary entries suggest a mind mature past her years, and we forget we are reading the work of a teenager. When Anne starts talking about her love life, things can get a little confusing, especially …show more content…

van Daan starts to flirt with him instead of Anne’s father. Mr. Dussel seems more receptive.
• Mrs. van Daan is jealous of Anne’s relationship with Peter.
Like the others, Mrs. van Daan is sent to a concentration camp and does not survive. Anne's biting commentary comes out in full force when discussing Alfred Dussel—whose actual historical name is Fritz Pfeffer. And while we can usually take a step back and view Anne's annoyance as a byproduct of her horrifying living conditions (and the amount of fear prevalent in the Annex), we have to admit: Dussel sounds like a nightmare roomie.
Alfred Dussel is a fussy old dentist and, unfortunately, Anne’s roommate in the Secret Annex. He doesn’t respect Anne at all; he demands Anne’s compliance with all of his absurd wishes while never considering hers. He is generally very selfish, never thanking the Franks or van Daans for sharing their hiding spot with him or showing any gratefulness to their protectors:
I should explain that yesterday was November 16, the first anniversary of his [Mr. Dussel’s] living in the Annex [. . .] instead of taking the opportunity to thank us – for the first time – for unselfishly taking him in, he didn’t utter a word.

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