How Do Interest Groups Influence The Government

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There should be tougher restrictions, and more strict oversight on interest groups. Interest groups use lobbyists, who use a lot of money, and favors improperly to influence legislators, and their staffs. They should be restricted, or prevented from using money improperly. They use money for transportation, lodging, food, entertainment, gifts, awards, and political charities to influence legislators. Tougher restrictions are needed to prevent Interest groups from controlling the political process, laws, and to ensure ethical behavior on the part of lawmakers, and government officials. Only interest groups through the lobbyists have access to influence the legislators, and government officials, which have made many people to believe that government, politicians, lawmakers are motivated chiefly by selfish concerns. This usually lead to distrust. Restrictions are needed to maintain democratic process, which will make sure the government is in compliance with the law. There should be public disclosure of whom lobbyists represent. “State laws requires disclosure, but with loopholes that almost always protect officeholders and their employees from accountability and transparency.” Interest groups use lobbyists who spend a lot of money on legislators, senators, …show more content…

“Texas law prevent them from taking money during a session from the people who elected them, but we allow them to take benefits during a session from people who are paid to influence them.” Interest groups should be prevented from dominating the legislative process by establishing public finance control of the senate and the House of Representatives. Public disclosure of the money of congressional campaigns. This will make sure the interest groups do not dominate the legislative process, and everyone voice will count

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