How Do Children Learn Through Competitive Sports

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An adult walks into a job interview, but to get the job they need more than an education and a resume. They have traits that will earn them the job, like the ability to persevere or work well with others. And maybe this adult will not get the job, but they will learn from their mistakes and improve. Many of these traits are formed during childhood, and there is one activity that can teach these lessons to children: competitive sports. Competitive sports have numerous benefits to athletes, such as health and social skills. Competition gives players of a sport or activity the motivation to work hard and win. Although others may argue that competitive sports are teaching children harmful lessons, competitive sports are beneficial because they teach …show more content…

“The memories and lessons they learned during that season are some they won’t ever forget. Even when the odds are against you, things can turn around,” author Laura Usky states in the article, “Important Life Lessons Children Learn Through Competitive Sports,” referring to her daughter. This piece of textual evidence shows that with hard work and determination a game can turn around. These abilities can treat adults well when they are having trouble with work or just having a bad day. “Like mistakes, redemptions happen all of the time in sports,” (n.a. 7). Sports are not causing children to always win or always lose. Competitive sports let children get used to both, and learn from what they did right or wrong so they can improve for the next game. “From worst to first; Heather didn’t let her fall prevent her from reaching her goal,” author Mike O’Halloran says, referring to track star Heather Dorniden in the article, “Never Give Up: A Life Lesson From A College Track Championship.” At this college track championship, Heather Dorniden used determination to work through her fall. Instead of giving up midway through the race, she powered through to first

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