How Did Tom Robinson Obtain Power In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Power is something that gives control to its owner, but can easily be lost in a second. In this story which is set in the old days there is a small court trial in which the defendant, Tom Robinson is accused of rape by a young poor white woman named Mayella Ewell. Because of her class and gender mayella lacks power but her race makes her powerful because, unfortunately at this time racism was in play so if you were white you had power over african americans in a court of law or any aspect of life for that matter. Again mayella lacks power because of her class as being part of one of the poorest families in town. This means in any situation if it came down to it rich man or female could win over mayella. The ewell family could barely afford a home ,(document a)“Maycomb's ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once an african american cabin used in slavery.” The ewells take what they can get and try to keep it , if they make the wrong people mad they could lose everything. Mayella ewell was just about disgraced by everyone except for african americans,(document e)”As Tom Robinson gave his …show more content…

I don't have to take his sass, i am not called upon to take it.”this shows that mayella female and poor doesn't take any sass from atticus who is representing tom robinson. The jury and court system at the time was also almost completely racist.(document d)”’now don't you be so confident, mr.jem, i ain't never seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man.”this is also supporting evidence that the trial was a racist one.(document e) “‘why were you so anxious to do that woman's chores ?’ ‘...tried to help her i says.’it seems you did all this for not even a penny?”they doubted he could be a good man just because the color of his

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