Examples Of Poverty In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay The Town of Maycomb is a quite old town full of familiar faces, but among all these there are people facing hardships. Harper Lee shows that in To Kill A Mockingbird, many people are facing poverty; there is much violence in the town, and that there is strong racism amoung Maycomb County. There’s people like the Cunninghams who are faced with poverty, and have hardly any money, there’s people like Lula who are racist and heartless towards the white people, and then there are people like Mayella Ewell that are faced with hardships in life, and rather choose to cheat and lie and have a rather violent life. Poverty affects the lives of multiple people in the town; most of the town isn’t even that wealthy. Poverty …show more content…

The case of Mr. Robinson is the core of racism in this book and what is happening is that Tom is being convicted, by Mr. Bob Ewell, of supposibly “ rapin’ his girl” (Lee 164), and Atticus is defending Mr. Robinson. Mr. Ewell is a white man and Tom Robinson is a black man; there is racism because whites are highly favored towards the judge and the jury, as where colored folk are not. Atticus case is basically one sided and most of town favors whites. Atticus told uncle Jack “‘it couldn’t be worse, Jack. The only thing we’ve got is a black man’s word against the Ewells’. . . The jury couldn’t possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson’s word against the Ewells’”’ (Lee 117), and that shows that the Maycomb County’s folk are mostly racist, and even blacks could be racist against whites or in vice versa. This leads me on to Lula witch is very racist towards whites. Although she is colorblind, she could still tell the difference between colored folk and non colored folk. When cal walks into the church with Jem and Scout Lula confronts her and says “‘you ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here-- they got their church, we got our’n”’ (Lee 158), witch is implying that Lula doesn't want them there and that's why she said “‘they got their church’”(Lee 158). Since Lula is racist, that makes her overlook the similarities that colored folk and non colored folk share. She becomes blind to the good things about them and only sees what wrongs they do, and that’s why she doesn’t like Jem and Scout. Racism will not go away in To Kill a Mockingbird, and will stay the most important them, and all this shows us how society will forever judge people on their looks but one man does have the power to change it all if

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