Roosevelt's Impact as NYC Police Commissioner

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7. Roosevelt as New York City Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt was appointed in 1895 as the president of the board of the New York City Police Commissioners, a post he held for two years. At that time the New York Police Department (NYPD) was believed to be one of the most corrupt departments in America. According to their history Roosevelt was an excellent and trustworthy leader who brought a huge change to the New York City Police Commission. He used to inspect firearms daily and even took annual physical exams of the officers. He selected 1,600 men based on their physical strength and mental qualification. He did not care about any of their political problems, Meritorious Service Medals and closed corrupt police histories. During Roosevelt's time as commissioner in New York City, the Board of Charities established a Municipal Lodging House. He needed officers to register and install telephones for better communication in the station houses. Roosevelt had a habit of walking officers' beats early in the morning and late at night in order to make sure that they were all on duty. Before becoming Vice President in March 1901, he was a New York State Governor. He had signed an act that replaced the Police Commissioners with a single Police Commissioner. In 1894, Roosevelt met …show more content…

He mounted a serious campaign based on his war record and won the 1898 state election. As a state governor Roosevelt learned more about the ongoing economic problems and political techniques. Roosevelt used to hold press conferences twice a day and maintained his connections with his political base. The Ford Franchise-Tax bill taxed public franchises, granted by the state and controlled by corporations. He pushed this bill and declared that a corporation should pay to the State just a percentage of its earnings as a return for the benefits it enjoys from the

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