Comparison Of President Theodore Roosevelt, Roosevelt Vs. Roosevelt

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Firstly, FDR did not reach the white house the same way that his 5th cousin Teddy did. FDR had campaigned for the Presidency, against the incumbent Herbert Hoover. FDR was a Democrat; and felt that the government needed to do more to help its people. Hoover a Republican; did not believe in direct government intervention. He believed in voluntarism, asking working corporations to voluntarily improve working conditions and wages. In 1932, Roosevelt was elected president. On the other hand, Teddy instead, campaigned for Vice President in 1901, with President William McKinley. He was a Republican, who served as Governor of New York. After the election ended, William McKinley was assassinated in September of 1901. Theodore Roosevelt had been sworn He was a conservative that fought for reforms. He became the first American to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. He would never say that he was a republican; he shared both democratic and republican values, he represented the people. Teddy was very energetic; he loved reading, thinking and talking. He drove politics by using his personality to get what he wanted accomplished. First, he went after America’s greatest evil, to much power in the hands of corporate America. He felt that the industrialist like JP Morgan held to much power. Teddy took on the industrialist; he sued the Northern Security’s corporation; he wanted to halt the monopolization of the Western Railways. Teddy won his case in the Supreme Court; JP Morgan’s Monopoly was crushed. He reminded everyone that the people controlled affairs in the country. Second, the society was in bad shape; there were no sanitation systems, highways, or social welfare. Most children worked in factories, and sweatshops. Conditions for laborers were horrific, especially in coal mining. Teddy acted by using both sides to come together; they reached a settlement that helped laborers, more than managers. He ended the coal strike in the United States, and made the first major steps to reforming workers conditions; he called his reforms the square deal. Teddy had been the driving force behind the Spanish American War; he wanted America to civilize the rest of the world. He solidified America’s place as a world leader. Next, he built the Panama Canal to protect both seas of America; it was built by Teddy organizing a local revolution, and helped create the nation of Panama in exchange for the right to build a canal. In 1904, he would win the election in the largest popular margin in American history; He promised not to run for a second term. Then, Teddy faced challenges of immigrants who worked in poor conditions on a meat

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