How Did The Mongols Affect China

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The Mongols were an influential group of people. They’re rule reached the far reaches of the globe even reaching places in Europe. The Mongol impact is clearly seen in the Persian and Chinese societies. Although it was the Mongols who took over both these societies, they still differed in many aspects. The Mongol political impact on China can be seen when a once divided China was united into a single unit. They brought foreign administration into China and put Mongol authority in charge. The Mongols did not allow any chance where in their power could be brought down by someone Chinese. They even dismantled the Confucian education and examination system. Just as the Mongols took over Chinese government the also did so in Persia. The Persians,in contrast, were luckier in Mongol politics. The Mongols allowed for Persians to hold government positions (such as minsters, governors, and local officials) just as longs as they delivered tax receipts and maintained order. The Mongols adopted the Persian bureaucracy more than the Chinese way. Socially the Mongols provided different experiences for both societies. Mongols assimilated …show more content…

At the time period of the Mongols rule in both societies ,which was around the 14th century, the Bubonic plague was taking place. Large numbers of people were dying causing a spike in the decline of population for both Persia and China. Mongol rule could barely survive without a stable group of people to rule. However the Persians had problems other than the Plague that brought Mongol rule in Persia to decline, such as overspending and overexploitation. These actions led to reduced revenues and while paper money was attempted, it didn’t last very long. The introduction of paper money was also introduced in China, but inflation occurred and eventually its use was also halted. Power struggles for leadership in both societies brought civil wars and this weakened the Mongol

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