How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society

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Did you know, the Industrial Revolution started with textiles (fabric and cloth)? During the Industrial Revolution, there were many changes made to our society. Most of the changes made are from inventions and some are from the many other events during that time period. Although it started with textiles, that is not I am going to be talking about in my essay. I want to tell you about the affect the Industrial Revolution had on people. The Industrial Revolution affected many Americans lives, with inventions such as the telegraph, steam engine, and even the sewing machine. Today, when you want to talk to someone, you pick up the phone and call them. Before the Industrial Revolution, they weren't able to communicate with each other so easily. They had to send letters or have messengers give the messages for them. The Industrial Revolution changed all of that. On the website entitled “ Morse Code & the Telegraph” the writer exclaims, “On May, 1844, Morse sent Vail the historic first message: What hath God wrought!” (Morse Code & the Telegraph) That first message changed the history of our communication. The first telegraph was created by Samuel Morse. Although the telegraph changed communication, to …show more content…

The steam engine helped in many different forms. The steam boat, railroads, and even factories were powered by the steam engine. The steam engine was made possible by a process that uses compressed steam in a process that I don’t fully understand. A man named Thomas Savery created this process. By the railroads alone, the people during the Industrial Revolution were able to travel farther than they ever did before. This invention made a better way of

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