How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect North America

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The Industrial Revolution in the 19th and 20th centuries had a great impact on the economy of North America in positive and negative ways. There were many inventions that contributed to the efficient completion of work tasks during the Industrial Revolution. In so doing, these inventions led to a significant growth in the economy and a dramatic improvement in the quality of life of people during that era and beyond. With the creation of jobs, the Industrial Revolution sophisticated North America, in that, “Many people moved away from the rural areas and turned to the cities” (Industrial Revolution Timeline). With some experiencing more wealth they were able to move out of the city, “By building mansions on large plots of land at the edges of the cities or in the countryside” (Urbanization of America). The poorer individuals moved into the old houses transformed to low-rent apartments by affluent landlords who did not maintain these properties well and there was overcrowding causing the spread of diseases. The growth of the city out-proportioned local government services, “The growth of cities outpaced the ability of local governments to extend clean water, garbage collection, and sewage systems into poorer areas, so conditions in cities deteriorated” (Urbanization of America). The Industrial Revolution had a great impact on North …show more content…

With new inventions, travel and communication were made easier. Technology afforded the opening of factories and the creation of jobs. While many benefited from these positive outcomes, many saw the negative impact of the Industrial Revolution. The poor experienced new degree of poverty, rising crime and the spread of diseases. The Industrial Revolution, though for the most part, created a profound impact on the lives of people during that time and continues to influence the way society thinks and works in North

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