How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect European Cities

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European cities were influenced by the Industrial Revolution and changed drastically. European people, in particularly, their families, and their communities were affected in these new industrial cities. Life became more difficult as things like poverty, child labor, prostitution, abuse against women, and other harsh realities, increased. Economic and social life, as the Europeans had known it, was dramatically changing during the Industrial Revolution, which began at the end of the 18th Century. During this time, the working conditions were affected. Working conditions were very unfair. Migrants were getting all of the jobs that were available and were unskilled; therefore they were taking any type of job, for any amount of money, and working …show more content…

Instead of people tending to their homes and taking care of where they live, they now had to work incredibly long hours in factories which did not allow them to take proper care of their neighborhoods where they lived. What used to be well-groomed houses became gritty urbanized ghettos. Poorhouses were set up in many neighborhoods by the government and the conditions of them were so deplorable and repulsive because the government wanted to make people not want to be there. They wanted to deter city dwellers by setting up the poor houses much like prisons. There were less rural areas and more urban cities growing rapidly. Due to Manchester England becoming the textile capital of the world, it attracted many migrants to the city therefore the population expanded greatly. Even though these cities became wealthy because of the industrialization, they also became overcrowded and polluted. Alexis de Tocqueville described the cities as “uncivilized” and the people as “savage” during his visit in 1835. Because people had lack of work, food, sanitization, and proper medical care, the life expectancy of the people of Britain decreased. In 1844, Frederick Engels also wanted to bring to the Public's attention the negative effects of industrialization. He and Karl Marx describe in detail the horrible conditions in Manchester, which also contributed to the fast spread of several

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