How Did The Great Depression Affect American Culture

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The 1930’s were a very important time in American history. There many events and people that changed the world for what it is today. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl are just a couple of the historical events in the 1930’s. The Great Depression is often to be known for starting on October 1929 on the day the stock market crashed. In reality that was not the only thing that caused the Great Depression. Although this was a major contribution when the stock market crashed, banks foreclosed and it caused a major panic when people tried to get their money. People in America were not able to get their money because the banks didn’t have it. Many people believe that, “The crash, and its aftermath of unemployment, bank closures, bankruptcies, and homelessness, was caused by fundamental flaws in the prosperity of the 1920s.”(Shindo 295). When the crash happened industrial output began to decrease until it was the same amount of production in 1932 as it was in 1913. Gale stated that, “ By 1929 farmers’ earnings amounted to only one-third of the national average.’’(Gale 82). The Great Depression was a very devastating time in American history. …show more content…

The New Deal paid writers, composers, musicians, performers, painters, sculptors, and other artists. (Shindo 296). It made cultural programs that focused on America’s history and traditions. This is why so many writers and artist came about in the 1930’s. Shindo also stated that, “As a result of the Depression, Hollywood experienced a decline in movie attendance, and it compensated by using the latest technology to its fullest impact to produce movies that would appeal to adult males, the segment of the movie audience that had declined the most.’’(Shindo 297). The Great Depression was a very damaging, but it without America would not be what it is

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