How Did The Beatles Influence Popular Culture

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While there have been many successful musicians throughout the twentieth century, none have come to define the era in equal measure to the four men from Liverpool who called themselves The Beatles. Widely considered the most influential band in Rock and Roll’s history, The Beatles have made a lasting impression on the industry and the world at large. In order to better understand the immense impact The Beatles had upon popular culture, I will discuss the bands history within the music industry, the personal connection I share with the band and the societal changes their music inspired. By understanding these aspects of the band’s music, their legacy as the forefathers of popular music becomes ever more evident.
Despite the sensation that would come to define The Beatles, the four musicians comprising the group knew rather humble beginnings. Hailing from Liverpool, England, the boys that would become The Beatles yearned to make their …show more content…

When historians look back at the twentieth century, a time when technological innovation brought divided people closer than ever, the Beatles will certainly be mentioned as the orators of the time period. Their music reflects the light-hearted enthusiasm shared by the people of their time, yet also transmits a feeling of global progression. By urging understanding, free expression and peace among nations, the Beatles helped sponsor the idea that young people and musicians are correct to engage in social and political issues. As a result, it is expected that musicians have something meaningful to say about the times they live in; similarly, youth groups continue to be at the forefront of many social issues concerning our times. Due to the Beatles hopeful messages, their music can be played anywhere in the world and be recognized and enjoyed; proving that all people truly desire similar things and share kindred thoughts and

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