How Did The Beatles Impact On American Culture

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During the 1960s, the music style of Liverpool’s “Beatles” impacted the culture of the rising generation. There was a lot of change, liberation, and revolutions happening in the 60s, and the rising generation began to question the ideals of their parents, as well as the current war, the Vietnam War. Many laws were passed in this time period pertaining to civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, etc. The Beatles were very important to these changes, giving a voice to the youth, and emphasising quality in everything they did. The Beatles shaped the cultural landscape of the 1960s.

While the 1950s brought a lot of economic expansion after the war, the 60s was a time of change, on pretty much every level. As described in Sandra L. Campbell’s …show more content…

The Beatles helped the entertainment industry become respectable, by having substance and being good boys. They were “more self-aware than their previous pop sweepstakes aspirants,” Joe McGasko from “” says. The Beatles were very independant, and not easily swayed to think the way society might impress upon them. The editors of “The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll” have said about the Beatles, “One of the first rock groups to write most of its own material, they inaugurated the era of self-contained bands and forever centralized …show more content…

They created these films because they had stopped touring to continue promoting their music and image. The video was edited to move with the music, as well as portray the musicians’ interpretation of the song to the viewer. They continued to create videos like this, using special effects and techniques with the film in order to reach the desired effects. These videos are the ancestors of today’s music videos.
The Beatles created many hit singles in their day, as that was how the record industry functioned. But the Beatles rose above this standard in the music world, particularly in pop music. They began selling albums where each song was quality music, unlike the few albums sold at the time which included less than quality material in hopes of selling hit songs for a higher price. Because of the careful time and effort put into writing all songs within a set to fit the theme and style of the album, many believe it is best to experience the music as this whole, explains

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