How Did Rome Fall

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What can cause a strong empire to fall? Rome is known for having many achievements that have helped to advance culture such as, aqueducts, irrigation systems, and trade. They also helped improve the structure of cities by plotting them in grids which are still used today. Also, religions were taken very seriously. In fact, it got so serious that rulers insisted that they were to be worshiped as the god. Religion was a huge part of Rome’s structure. But when conflicts of religions surfaced, failure rose. Religion may not seem like a huge issue, but actually, it is one of the biggest problems known in history. This along with poor leaders and urban decay has contributed to the decline of Rome.
Without a strong leader, there is no empire. Emperors such as Caligula, Nero, and Commodus have shown that the empire crumbled because of the fact that the leaders weren’t able to successfully create a well structured “team”. Nero persecuted Christians for their beliefs, Caligula turned the palace into a brothel, and Commodus took over territories and claimed them as his own. All three of these emperors are
The conspiracy was investigated as being part of the fall of the empire. People were led to believe that conspiracy was a huge part in the fall of Rome. The Christians were believed to have conspired against the Romans. Christians were always seen as the ones who are trying to go against the Romans but in reality, the Romans wanted the Christians to not impose their beliefs on others. Christians were seen as the ones who were trying to intimidate the Romans. But really the Romans were trying to prevent people from sharing the Christian beliefs. As part of the religion, Augustus insisted that everyone should view him as God. Augustus didn’t want people to have their own beliefs. He felt that everyone should worship him as the God.That’s what could cause the downfall of an empire, but now the question is, what can make the empire

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