How Did Nzinga Become An Effective Leader

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Nzinga's dark cheeks flushed when she was refused a chair by the Portuguese governor Joao Corria de Sousa. Even after the refusal, Nzinga held her head high and beckoned to a servant. The servant came to her side and she whispered directions in his ear. He followed them immediately, getting down on hands and knees. Nzinga then sat down on his back and stared straight into the governor's eyes. This time, he was the one who had red creeping up into his face. It was 1622, and Nzinga was representing her brother, a king, in a meeting for peace. Through her fearlessness, determination, and perseverance, Nzinga fought to defend her people from intruding Portuguese slave traders. She overcame many obstacles to become a very strong leader. Her immediate

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