Pros And Cons Of Martin Luther

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Martin Luther Tribute

Martin Luther was a German monk and religious teacher who challenged Catholic church, he created a new religious order (Lutherans) that lead to the Protestant Reformation. Luther believed that Christians only become saved through faith and not through their own efforts. Luther became increasingly angry by the corruption the clergy selling indulgences. This turned Luther against many of the major teachings of the Catholic Church, he became appalled. My argument is Martin Luther wrote influences that illustrates the problems in the Church of his day and ours. These propositions spread controversy. Martin Luther still considered both an influential and a controversial figure in the Reformation movement. His involvement contributed …show more content…

Luther retaliation distribution then became widely circulated throughout Germany and Europe, reaching France, England, and Italy. He challenged the authority of the papacy, and tried to reform certain Christian doctrines through his writings. He translated the Bible from Hebrew and ancient Greek to German language which made the Scriptures more accessible to the average person, leading to a tremendous impact on the church and on German culture. His translations not only helped in popularizing Christianity, but also aided the development of a standard version of the German language. Martin Luther wanted many other thinkers to understand the contrast between a Protestant "religion of the Word" and a Catholic religion focused on action and emotion. Often suggesting that Protestant or radical views "disenchanted" the world to produce a more modern worldview. Like then and today, most historians who study the cultures of Protestant and Catholic Europe are more cautious because everyone want come to equally agreement or even aware of struggles for religious freedom and

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