How Did Lewis And Clark Respectful

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Lewis and Clark respectful? Lewis and Clark weren’t very respectful to most tribes but they did help others. Were Lewis and Clark really respectful on their journey? Lewis and Clark weren’t very respectful towards all the Native Americans they met.

Lewis and Clark did some really rude and harsh things to the Native Americans. They addressed the Otoe as “Children”. (Doc E) They also told them if they displease their great chief their trade will be completely shut off, “...and if you displease him he could at pleasure shut them up and prevent his traders from coming among you…” (Doc E) Lewis and Clark let their men kill a Native American, “he seized his gun, stabbed the Indian to the heart with his knife.” (Doc B) They also took the Indians horses and left, “We left one of our horses and took for of the best of those of the Indians.” (Doc B) Lewis and Clark weren’t always mean or disrespectful they also were nice to some of the tribes. …show more content…

Clark offered and raised Sacagawea’s son, “...would then take him to me if I would be so friendly as to raise the child for him in such manner as I thought proper, to which I agreed etc.” (Doc D) Lewis and Clark brought smallpox medicine to give it to the Indian tribes to help them, “Carry with you some small pox medicine… and instruct and encourage them to use it.” (Doc D) Lewis and Clark did want to help tribes but they ran into conflicts.

Lewis and Clark weren’t very kind towards all the Native American’s he met. Lewis and Clark stole, killed, and addressed Indians as “children” to tribes. Lewis and Clark also did some nice things such as take a child in and hand out medicine. The good doesn’t outweigh the bad things they’ve done. Lewis and Clark weren’t very kind or respectful people to the Native

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