How Did Henry Thompson Impact The World Of Journalism

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“Journalism can never be silent: That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” -Henry Anatole Grunwald
One famous journalist that has had a large impact on the world of journalism is Hunter Stockton Thompson. He has done many things that led to his successful career in journalism. In addition to a journalist, Thompson was also an author and the founder of the gonzo journalism movement. Throughout his life, he wrote many great books and inspired other journalists. Thompson was born on July 18, 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky. His early life was a rough start; his father died, leaving Hunter and his family with little money. He never completed high school due to spending time in jail for encouraging a robbery. Before starting journalism, he had traveled lots and even joined the U.S. Air Force. Thompson is widely regarded as starting Gonzo journalism, which is a style of writing that “blurs distinctions between fiction and nonfiction”. This started because Thompson’s writing was very unique. He always wrote in first person and constantly …show more content…

Tom Wolfe, another well-known journalist at the time, described Thompson’s style of writing as “part journalism and part personal memoir”. He had sometimes used the name Raoul Duke to portray hisself. He described Duke as a self-destructive journalist who also was an alcoholic and a drug addict. People started to recognize Thompson for his author surrogate, Duke. Some people commented that the older Thompson got, the thinner the line got between Thompson and his literary self. During an interview, Hunter confessed that he constantly felt overwhelmed by the pressure to live up to his created fictional self. He also said that whenever he got invited to public speakings or parties, he wasn’t sure who was invited; his real self or

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