Thompson Writing Style Analysis

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This week's reading assignment had us choose between two different writing styles, the one by Thompson hit me specially because its emotive power. The way he managed to leverage the sad moment without doing cheap political propaganda, and instead touching readers in their emotions. There was also fiction and true facts mixed with such genius, that during the first reading I did not give too much attention to some data that seemed “strange”. For example, right there, in the same paragraph he is picking on G.W. Bush's inability to fight this or any other war Thompson writes “Fewer than 20 unarmed Suicide soldiers from some apparently primitive country somewhere on the other side of the world took out the World Trade Center and half the Pentagon with three quick and costless strikes on one day.” (2001). The image of the Pentagon semi destructed, as if saying that the heart of the defense of the country was hit, almost as there is no where to run.

That made me look for something that described his his personality and writing style, I was curious to know if he was actually bold as his article was showing. …show more content…

The result is a 5 pages long article for the Columbia Journalism Review telling all the whimsical sort of requests and moods of Thompson during the process of delivering articles within the defined deadlines. It focus mostly on the personality “Hunter's manuscript pages were themselves manic, bristling works of art designed to turn the long, tedious job of writing, editing, polishing, and retyping a manuscript into a task worth staying up for.” (Love, 2005, pg. 64) are the words used to describe how Thompson managed to engage the reader, so much that even the very long process of editing was paid of by the emotion it

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