How Did Harriet Tubman Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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In the present and the past people has given up their lives, dignity, and safety repeatedly in order to gain freedom from their govements or a group that limits their freedom to a certain point. Freedom means the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, but to do that people need to sacrifice, or give up something important or valued which might also might mean sacrificing yourself for others freedom. Freedom requires self sacrifice as can be seen in the actions of soldiers in war, civil rights activists, and people fleeing from oppressive governments. The word “War” sends shivers through many people because of the effect war has on individual groups or people, minorities, soldiers and the society. …show more content…

Take the case of the civil right activists and humanitarians during the Civil Right movements - Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman etc.- all of these people had a huge role of inciting African Americans around the nations to join the freedom movement to abolish segregation (Jim Crows Law) and racism in the United States. Harriet Tubman, an abolitionist and civil right activists, risked her life 19 times in order to bring 300 slaves from the South through the Underground Railway (she was known as “Moses” for leading African Americans out of slavery just as Moses lead the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt ). Equally important, Rosa Parks, also known as “the mother of the freedom movement” and “the first lady of civil rights”, refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama, and was arrested. However, she knew that her arrest could demonstrate the unfair segregation of African Americans in the U.S. She self-sacrificed herself over to the police in order to spur a citywide boycott and ultimately start the civil rights movement lead by Martin Luther King Jr.. Martin Luther King Jr, was assassinated by James Earl on

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