How Did Galileo Contribute To Science

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Modern World History / Mr. Porell
Galileo Essay

The scientific contribution of Galileo Galilei span throughout hundreds of years and still effect us today. In his native country of Italy in the late 1500s and early 1600s Galileo worked on his advancements in science like improving theories, creating a better telescope, and changing the way we think about space. In Italy Galileo had a hard time convincing people that his finding were true as it was difficult for them to believe things they could not see. His findings have stood the test of time still proving to be true and effective to this day. Galileo Galilei was a scientist who worked in Italy and is widely known for his astronomy related discoveries. He improved the telescope just from hearing about one …show more content…

He made many of the contributions that scientists still use today. Most of Galileo’s findings and innovation contributed to science but he also contributed to the way scientists do their jobs. Galileo was not afraid to admit that he was wrong on the rare occasion that he was. He “did not pretend like he always knew ‘why.” Before Galileo scientists (or philosophers) like Aristotle would not admit that their findings were wrong. Even people in society could not say they were wrong without heavy consequences. After Galileo scientists can now admit that some of their findings are false and just not true. Galileo also let people further his research and furthered other’s research. He wanted other people to answer the “why” that he just could not figure out. If you look at most of his discoveries you will see that he mainly just states a theory with proof that it happens but not why it happens. He knew that there were sunspots on the sun and he knew the earth revolved around the sun but he did not give an explanation as to why that happens. This is part of what he left for other scientists to figure out and continue on his legacy of

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