How Did Florence Influence The Renaissance

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Florence was known as a center of banking and commerce of woolen cloth. One of the historical examples of banks in Florence was the Bank of Medici which was ruled over by the Medici family who were rich and powerful during the 14th and 15th century. The population was divided among members of guilds and there were two types of alliances which were rich people and artisans and businessmen of the lowest level.
Florence played a big role in the Renaissance, because it is where it all began. It is often known as the ''birthplace'' of the Renaissance. Florence had much wealth and power at that time and had many influential people in society and politics. Florence was also strong economically.
The Port of Lisbon is an important part of Portuguese culture due to its significance during the colonization of the Americas. Portuguese sailors were traveling in search of trading partners, new goods, and new trade routes, and discovering the coasts of Africa, Asia and Brazil. That era became known as the Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus went on voyages in an attempt to find a trade route to Asia, but instead he reached the Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas. The discovery of the Americas …show more content…

They wanted to find that route by sailing south around Africa. Also, Lisbon's harbor quickly became one of the busiest harbors in Europe because of the new spices brought back from the Americas and were prized commodities in the India-Europe trade.The Reformation was the greatest religious movement for Christ since the early church. It started On 31 October 1517, in Wittenberg Germany, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses against the selling of indulgences on the door of the All Saints' the Castle Church. The Reformation had far-reaching political, economic and social effects. It affected the modern view of politics and

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