How Did Constantine Affect The Spread Of Christianity?

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Constantine was born in the area of 280 in the city called Naissus, Moesia. His father became the Western Roman emperor in 305 just after his father's death, Constantine fought and tried to take power. Witch he did and he became the Western emperor in 312 and the sole Roman emperor in 324. Constantine was also the first emperor to adhere to Christianity.
When we look back at Christianity over many years there are many people who are remembered for their impact and change for religion. The most important figure was Jesus Christ. If we look forward, into the 4th Century we see Constantine. Historians agree that Constantine served as an important component in the spread of Christianity. Although he spread the religion in a big way, others wonder if his methods were more hurtful than anything. In this paper I will be discussing Constantine in his rise to power …show more content…

He funded Christian leaders and the construction of churches, some of which he dedicated to his mother. Most Christian leaders admired Constantine for the hard work he did for the church and Christian cause for the people .
When he finally became emperor, he took a large Roman army east with the goal of settling the score once and for all the rebel bands that were picking and taking Rome apart. On the eve of one of the great battles, in 330 CE, Constantine saw a vision in were his mother stood by right hand of Jesus. He Said him, “If you will give me victory in this battle, then I will officially become a Christian.” Constantine won the battle and fulfilled his promise.() Suddenly, the persecuted became the equal . Constantine cleansed the Roman government of pagans and replaced them with Christians. Many times with converts, he became more dedicated than those who had long been believers before him. He was determined to make the entire empire Christian.

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