How Did Catherine The Great Influence Russia

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penal system and terminating police denunciation. As a self proclaimed enlightened monarch Catherine also worked to incorporate modern enlightenment into Russian education. By educating the younger portion of society on modern ideas she was setting her adopted country up for success in the future. With an enlightened and modern view, Russians in the future world would have been able to understand dominate because of the education and the legacy left by Catherine the Great. This is just another reason why Catherine the great was a political mastermind, her ability to understand the future was a powerful asset and helped her country even after Catherine’s death. Through reforming these systems her leadership displays values of equality, and democracy, …show more content…

However, she felt that serfs were an asset to the country, and with a modernized approach Catherine attempted to gain equality for serfs. When Catherine took the throne copious amounts of serfs (state peasants) were owned, they were mistreated and undervalued and their price was similar to a dog. As part of her initiative to change Russia for the better Catherine believed Russia would benefit from the freedom of the serfs .Catherine also believed that changing how serfs were treated would benefit Russia's reputation. She began promoting a law freeing serfs and on August 8, of 1762 asserted that the labor rights of the serfs were unfair and was ultimately attempting to reform the labor conditions and equalize serfsShe believed that by assisting the lowest class of society she could identify as an enlightened and modern ruler. Catherine planed to grant the serfs freedom and believed that through this the western world would view Russia as productive and modern. By recognizing the lowest members of society she was acting with enlightened values, and she was bringing awareness to the unnoticed but hardest working part of society. Catherine was determined to change what she saw as injust; When she saw the injustice of the serfs she sought to change

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