How Did African Americans Struggle With Segregation?

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During a period of segregation a lot of conflicts occur between white and African American people in Alabama. Most segregation occur in transportation due to laws being adopted as not having equal civil rights in the community. This process lead to a combination between racial inequalities with segregation. Some people in the society were for and against in this period. But, the ones that were against this were African American’s. Rose Park was one of the people that were against segregation. Since African Americans were treated as sub-human. She was one of the civilians that would typically get out of work and take the bus home. One day as she was going home in the bus two white people wanted to take a seat but, there were no more seats in …show more content…

The following picture of Rose Park and a white man seated shows how Park rode at the front of a Montgomery bus after a year been arrested due to the refuse she made by not giving up her seat on the bus. Also, the picture shows how segregation was banned at that period of time by the Supreme Court. Another example that relates Rose Park experience in the refuse she made in 1955 was the biography from Douglas Brinkley's 2000 Rosa Parks. The excerpt connects to the event and the conversation that took place in the bus. Especially, were it leads to her arrest for violation the Alabama bus segregation laws. Park was thrown in jail with a fine of fourteen dollars. After, Park being thrown in jail, the African American people started to protest and stand up to segregated. The African Americans stay of the bus due to the Montgomery bus boycott making a turning point in the civil rights movement to fight for civil right. Also, Martin Luther King Jr. was involvement in this turning point to fight for civil right which he gather a crowd of people and told them what advantage and disadvantage would be in the

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