How Christians Put Their Beliefs Into Action

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How Christians Put Their Beliefs Into Action

There are a number of things we can do as Christians against

euthanasia. As Christians we must believe in the sanctity of life and

that our lives is God's and we shouldn't take it. This section shows

how we can act against euthanasia.

Learn what the Bible says about the issue of euthanasia. Learn

relevant teachings concerning the issue so that in the event of a

discussion on this subject you can easily give biblical evidence.

Prepare to educate others on this important issue. People may not have

the information to have an educated viewpoint of the argument. If

people could give them this information about euthanasia and its

potential abuse then may be people will see where Christians are

coming from.

We should become actively involved in supporting the debate at

professional and political levels. Being passive in arguments often

mean the view of Christians aren't heard. We must be able to stand by

our convictions in a Godly way. Staging peaceful protests gets

people's views heard in a saintly manner.

Christians must pray for families with a terminally ill member. They

must pray that they find the strength not to resort to such dire

measures to suppress pain.

We could lobby parliament by sending letter to our MP's who will have

to eventually listen to the pleas of the people. Using MP's as medium

to be heard by the masses is a very effective. The same can be said

for the media. With so many choices, ranging from internet to radio,

it would be hard for people's views in opposition to euthanasia not to

be heard.

Support and encourage pro-life doctors, politicians, and a...

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...ome terminal pain cannot be controlled, even with the best of care

and the strongest of drugs. Other distressing symptoms, which come

with diseases, such as sickness, no mobility, breathlessness and fever

cannot always be relieved. Pain is not always the issue the quality of

life is too.

A lengthened life is unbearable for people with a condition, which

leaves the brain alert but eventually shuts down all bodily functions.

How can people be expected to live a decent life in such a state? For

people like this and also people in PVS, (persistent vegetative state)

some believe that the choice to live or die with dignity should be

their own. If people could make the decision then some may believe

that the option of euthanasia should be available to them.

In conclusion I still believe that euthanasia can't be justified.

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