Christian Perspectives on Personal, Social, and World Issues

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Christian Perspectives on Personal, Social, and World Issues

Statement of intent


Throughout this report I intend to answer the following question:

"Can Euthanasia be justified in today's society?"

I intend to look at the hospice movement as an alternative to


I will draw a conclusion, taking all opinions into consideration,

whether Euthanasia is the wrong or right route to take.

What is Euthanasia?


a) I) The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek words "Eu" meaning

good, and "Thanatos" meaning death. In this way it literally

translates to a good death. Today, however the word means "The

intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of

the person to die." The term Euthanasia normally implies that the

person who wishes to commit suicide must initiate the act. However,

some people think that euthanasia involves both voluntary and

involuntary termination of life. Like so many moral/ethical/religious

terms, "euthanasia" has many meanings. The result of this is mass

confusion. It is important to distinguish the number of vaguely

related terms:

«Passive Euthanasia

Hastening the death of a person by altering some form of support and

letting nature takes its course. For example:

v Removing life support machinery (e.g. turning off a respirator)

v Stopping medical procedures, vital medication, etc.

v Stopping food and water and allowing the person to dehydrate or

starve to death

v Not delivering CPR (cardio-pulmonary respiration) and allowing a

person, whose heart has stopped, to die.

«Active Euthanasia


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...ghty as we think he is, he wouldn't allow people to kill, and it

wouldn't be in the Bible. If God wanted us to live by his rules, why

didn't he just physically not allow us to break his rules? He gave us

the power to exploit his rules and we have. If He creates these

illnesses and diseases which are killing people, what is wrong with

euthanasia? After all, if God didn't create the problem, the radical

solution of euthanasia wouldn't be an issue. It is God who forces

euthanasia by forcing his terminal illnesses onto people, if he didn't

have the streak of evil in him killing people then we wouldn't have to

talk about euthanasia at all.


Ø Encarta 2000

Ø Encyclopaedia Britannica

Ø "Christianity: Religion in focus in today's world" By Sally Lynch

Ø "Contemporary Moral Issues" By Joe Jenkins

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