How Can The Renaissance Be Used As A Springboard For Defining Modernity

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Kasimu Harris Mr. Lee-4 AP European History 11 April 2014 AP Euro Review Assignment How can the Renaissance be used as a springboard for defining modernity? A secular perspective was noticed by the Renaissance movement, which was shifted from heaven to earth. Patrons in the Renaissance built plazas, orphanages, and a form of public duty. The notion of public duty refers to the modern era with reforms of the Industrial Revolution age. The Renaissance established a sustainable pursuance on education. University preparation is still provided through secondary education. Renaissance thoughts derive from “liberal arts” college- studying a variety of subjects widens the mind. Means of communication was emphasized by language. Today’s Latin is now English. Education exercises our mind for a life of social responsibility and self-influence. Machiavelli contrasted politics and morality. Exceptional rulers perform in their personal, political interests. Predicted by Machiavelli, the age wherein nation-states would operate in their own particular interests. Northern and Italian Renaissance each had merchant families, which loaned profit to rulers/princes: North-Fuggers, Italian-Medici. The Northern movement outshone in technical invectiveness; astronomy, math, presswork(printing). On the other hand, the Italians strove towards artistic efforts (paintings/sculptures). The Northern Renaissance was undoubtedly more religious than the South. Northern Universities focused more on emerging science and math. Compare and contrast the Northern Renaissance with the Mediterranean Renaissance. In specific regions, the northern Renaissance was distinguished from the Italian Renaissance as for it centric political power. Western and central Europe ... ... middle of paper ... ...Through the Test Acts of 1673, Anglicans were the only one’s who could run office. Then, the Bill of Rights was granted ensuring rights to fair trial, rights to assemble, and no more taxes. Freedom of religion will then be granted in the Toleration Act of 1689. Act of Settlement, 1701 prevented Catholics to rule through throne-inheritance. Finally, 1707 United Kingdom of Great Britain Compare 17th century French absolutism with 17th century eastern European Absolutism. Louis XIV developed a conception of absolutism. During this movement, the King integrated Force and Law. War became an occupation. Nobles then occupied the Palace of Versailles. The government (intendants) represented the King’s interests in France and N. America. King taxes all, expect or nobles acquiescently. Louis revokes the Edict of Nantes to show the power of Monarchy. Huguenots flee France.

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