Essay On The Rise Of The Renaissance

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The Renaissance is broken up into three parts, the rise of the Renaissance from 1500 to 1558, the height of Renaissance from 1558 to 1603, and the decline of the Renaissance from 1603 to 1649. This time brought new discoveries, colonization, repopulating, education, and literature. The rise of the Renaissance was undetected at first because of wars, and hardship that affected England for a century and a half. Under Henry the VIII, England’s population grew, and feudalism decaying as people move to larger cities. The enclosure law forces people to moved to cities, because agricultural workers could not pay the high rent. London’s population more than doubled, going from 93,000 to 224,000 people within 42 years. The inventing of the …show more content…

Gresham College was created to provide higher education for the middle class. Elizabeth’s power did not stop on land, she was also able to rule the seas. Her ships were able to bring her back treasures from their voyages on the sea; England’s navy was likewise as strong, defeating Armada’s navy in 1588. Literature and entertainment were blossoming under Queen Elizabeth’s rule. It was the golden age of poems, songs, dances, and dramas. William Shakespeare wrote many great tragedies and comedies. Public theaters brought audiences of all social levels; however, as the century drew to a close, the Puritan religion forced many theaters to close. The start of the new century, brought a new rule for England, as their beloved Queen’s health began to fail; Elizabeth named James of Scotland her successor in 1603, since she had no children and was dying. James I had little knowledge about England, and struggled to gain the loyalties of England’s subjects. James and his son Charles were unable to keep the balanced once held between the Protestants and Catholics by Queen Elizabeth, being members of the Church of England. In 1604 there was a plot the boom both house while they were in session, with

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