How Annex Affected Anne Frank

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The Holocaust in the 1940’s is defined as “the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz” (Holocaust 1). The Nazi regime was a tragic time for Jewish people living in many European countries including, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Greece, Romania and many more. Jews in this time period had few choices for what they could do to prevent fatalities. Most jews followed the laws that Hitler and the government set forth by making all Jews register as Jewish citizens. From there, the Germans either …show more content…

One group of Jews that decided to go into hiding into Amsterdam to keep safe include of, Anne Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Margot Frank, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer. All of these inhabitants lived in a “Secret Annexe” that affected them in different ways. The conditions in the annex affected Anne Frank, Margot Frank and Peter van Pels all in different emotional and mental ways. The conditions in the annex affect Anne Frank in many ways basically transforming her into a new person. The conditions of the annex transformed Anne from acting like a young girl into becoming more mature and acting like a young woman. The conditions of the annex being very compact with limited activities forced her to mature and focus on more mature activities that give her qualities that more closely represent qualities most adults have. An example of Anne explaining her maturity levels increasing since the beginning of staying in the secret annex is when she writes “as I’ve grown older and more mature, my love has grown along with me. I can understand now that Peter thought I was childish” (Frank 211). This quote specifically shows not only the reader’s comprehension of this

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