Hoot: Similarities Between The Book And The Movie

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Hoot The book Hoot and the movie Hoot are very alike and very different. Some people like them both but some people only like one, or neither. In the movie Dana started picking on Roy on the first day of school, in the book it was a couple weeks after Roy started school. In both of them, When Dana tried to strangle Roy he got punched in the nose. Both of them say that when Roy punched Dana and ran he almost knocked over Beatrice. Speaking of Beatrice, the movie and book both say that she got mad at roy in the cafeteria, and Roy went to talk with her. Both of them say that Beatrice saved Roy from Dana in the janitor's closet, except the movie said that Beatrice tied Dana to a palm tree rather than a flagpole like in the book. Also, the book said that Beatrice popped Dana’s bike tire with her teeth, but in the movie she used a nail. …show more content…

They both say that Roy let Mullet Fingers use his name in the hospital. In the book Roy told the nurse his name Tex, but in the movie he said it was Ling Ho. On the topic of Mullet Fingers, When he ran away from the hospital in the book he left his shirt on Officer Delinko’s car, but not in the movie.In the Movie you never find out Mullet Fingers real name, but you do in the book. Also in the book Mullet Fingers got sent back to the Juvenile hall, but that never happened in the

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