Homelessness In China Essay

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Homelessness in China
Homeless is not just a domestic issue, there is more too it than just someone who cannot hold down a job and that means they cannot afford to live in a house. There could be multiple factors that come into play when someone is homeless. A person might have a drug or alcohol problem, they might not have the money to support their family if they live in a house, or it could be because of a natural disaster. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes and floods are reasons why people can become homeless. Homelessness is a problem and it needs to be helped in the best way possible. Too many people in the world are homeless. Larina Chi-Lap Yim, Henry Chi-Ming Leung, Wai Chi Chan, Marco Ho-Bun Lam, Vivian Wai-Man Lim uses …show more content…

In Larina Chi-Lap Yim et al, they use more statistics and facts about how many people are homeless and why they became that way. For every section of their essay, there are facts that back up the statements that are made. For example, there is a section in the essay that talks about a study about mental illness in Hong Kong. They start out by giving some information about mental illnesses, then they have either studies or facts from studies they did or someone else did, to back up what they said earlier. The percentage of people in Hong Kong that are homeless and have a mental illness is 62.7%. In this essay they also provide data charts that show the statistics of mental illnesses, what they are and who has what. The attempts of suicide that homeless people try, history of the illnesses throughout the homeless, the demographics of the homeless and many more things of how and why people are homeless are more reasons given to back up these …show more content…

Macleod’s essay shows the emotion side between the two essays. In the essay, people talk about what happened and how they were affected by the massive earthquake that hit China. For example, there was a man named Zhu Yuanming, who came back to the town of Beichuan, which was town that was hit the hardest,to search for his identical twin sister. He went on local television to ask if anyone has seen someone that looked just like him. Another report said that a school building collapsed as well, killing over 1,000 students. People gathered around the school building but police and citizens would not let them get close There is a powerful quote that is said in this essay that really pushes the pathos point. The quote was said after Zhu Yuanming was talking about the death of two of his children, “ I believe that most parents have not given up, either. But no matter what happens, whether those responsible are punished or not, my children will never come back.” with that said, the pain of losing someone close to you will never go away no matter if the person that was responsible for it actually pays for

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