Essay On Homelessness In California

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Over the last few years, California has been experiencing a rise in the homeless population despite the efforts to reduce homelessness throughout the nation. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, California has the highest number of homeless people in the United States at 21 percent of the homeless population (or 115,738 people in 2015), and 64 percent of them had no shelter in 2015. However, it doesn’t stop there. Due to gentrification and and rising housing costs, the problem of homelessness in California has been exacerbated in large cities like Los Angeles. In more recent years, California has been experiencing large jumps in the homeless population, such as a 20 percent increase between 2014 and 2015 and a 5.7 percent increase between 2015 and 2016 in Los Angeles County according to the LA Times. …show more content…

Over the last few years, many organizations have attempted to fix the problem of homelessness in the whole nation. As a result, other states have had a large decline in the homeless population, yet California has continued to increase and continues to top the nation in the number of homeless people.
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority reported that the number of homeless families and veterans in Los Angeles fell 18 percent and 30 percent, respectively. Despite the large decline reported by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, homelessness has failed to decrease and actually increased in LA by 11 percent. These statistics highlight the problem of the fast increase and slow decrease in the homeless population in California, contributing to the increase, rather than a decrease, in the homeless

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